De ce nu prea se gasesc produse Razer in Romania?
Am fost intrebat de destule ori prin formularul nostru de contact, cand apare Razer Ouroboros, Orbweaver, Sabertooth, Blade etc, in Romania.
Iata ca am primit un raspuns oficial de la CEO-ul Razer, Min-Liang Tan: (postare de pe Facebook).
Raspunsul lui Min-Liang Tan
“I’m often asked why our products are constantly out of stock or sell out really quickly even in retail channels – especially at launch and for this, I have to apologize.
There are things that we do well (like tech and design), and things that we don’t do so well – and one of those are making enough launch quantities for our new products. We do what we can to ramp up as much as we can, but oftentimes, they sell out in a matter of minutes if not seconds.
Recent products like the Blade, Edge, Sabertooth, etc have been in limited stock situations since their launch – sometimes up to a year or more – but we’re doing what we can to make as many as we can without compromising on our quality standards.
We’re still working on improving on this, but I would really like to reach out to all of you NOT to purchase products from scalpers who resell our products at a huge mark up – sometimes three to four times their retail prices. This only serves to encourage them to continue making orders at our launch periods and create a black market for our products.
While we may struggle to catch up with our stock shortage situations, we WILL ultimately do so and you’ll be able to get your hands on our products sooner or later.
So hang in there – we’re doing whatever we can to catch up with demand and will focus on ramping up production.
Again – we do what we can to”.
Aici se termina post-ul pentru ca Facebook are o limita de caractere. E bine ca s-a lamurit situatia.
Pe viitor, ca sa fiti sigur daca un produs va aparea sau nu prea curand in Romania, verificati daca produsul este “in stock” pe site-ul oficial
De exemplu, Razer Ouroboros este “out of stock” aproape de la lansare. Asta inseamna ca nu exista la nici un magazin de IT din Romania si nici nu cred ca va exista inainte sa fie disponibil pe
Sa speram ca lucrurile se vor schimba pe viitor si numarul de unitati produse va fi de ajuns pentru toata lumea.
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